Sunday, June 21, 2009

Little things I notice

Some things I have noticed are:
1. In Matilda's Grandma's apartment (where we are staying for a few weeks) the doors do not have locks. Which is strange...even the bathroom door doesn't have a lock. We just recently discovered you can though. So that is good.
2. The light switch is on the outside of the shower room and the bathroom. So if someone is going to the bathroom or taking a shower you can turn the light out. hehehe :)
3. Also, the shower is on the floor and it is clear glass. Maybe I will post a picture later. It is interesting.
4. Everybody in Finland walks everywhere. The sidewalks are big so many people can be on them. I guess that is why Finns are fast walkers. :)
5. The cars are small. They have vans....which are really cool looking. But most people have small cars. I will have to take a picture of that too.
6. EVERYBODY has a cell phone. Even Matilda's 8 year old cousin has one! They only use it in case of an emergency though.

I will write other things I have noticed later.
Correction: I actually swam in the Sea! Not the lake.
And we found the bathing suits! It was just outside of the apartment!! Lucky!


  1. I'm not sure I quite understand the shower thing-take a picture!

  2. Hannah, the swimming suits were in the hallway IN the apartment, right there with our shoes. We just missed the bag because of all the shoes. I wish we had taken a picture of THAT (little narrow hallway filled with everyone's shoes) before I stuffed them all in that closet. '')
